Switched at Birth (2011 — 2017) TV show

About this TV show
Will there be season 6 of “Switched at Birth”?
No, the last season was the final one. Current TV show status — finished/canceled.
The TV show consists of 5 seasons (103 episodes in total).

season 5
Marked as watched:

season 4
Marked as watched:
# | Episode title | Date | Actions |
4.01 |
And It Cannot Be Changed
4.02 |
Bracing the Waves
4.03 |
I Lock the Door Upon Myself
4.04 |
We Were So Close That Nothing Used to Stand Between Us
4.05 |
At First Clear Word
4.06 |
Black and Gray
4.07 |
Fog and Storm and Rain
4.08 |
Art Like Love Is Dedication
4.09 |
The Player's Choice
4.10 |
There Is My Heart
4.11 |
To Repel Ghosts
4.12 |
How Does a Girl Like You Get to Be a Girl Like You
4.13 |
Between Hope and Fear
4.14 |
We Mourn, We Weep, We Love Again
4.15 |
Instead of Damning the Darkness, It's Better to Light a Little Lantern
4.16 |
Borrowing Your Enemy's Arrows
4.17 |
To the Victor Belong the Spoils
4.18 |
The Accommodations of Desire
4.19 |
A Mad Tea Party
4.20 |
And Always Searching for Beauty

season 3
Marked as watched:
# | Episode title | Date | Actions |
3.01 |
Drowning Girl
3.02 |
Your Body Is a Battleground
3.03 |
3.04 |
It Hurts to Wait with Love If Love Is Somewhere Else
3.05 |
Have You Really the Courage?
3.06 |
The Scream
3.07 |
Memory Is Your Image of Perfection
3.08 |
Dance Me to the End of Love
3.09 |
The Past (Forgotten-Swallowed)
3.10 |
The Ambush
3.11 |
Love Seduces Innocence, Pleasure Entraps, and Remorse Follows
3.12 |
Love Among the Ruins
3.13 |
Like a Snowball Down a Mountain
3.14 |
Oh, Future!
3.15 |
And We Bring the Light
3.16 |
The Image Disappears
3.17 |
Girl with Death Mask (She Plays Alone)
3.18 |
It Isn't What You Think
3.19 |
You Will Not Escape
3.20 |
Girl on the Cliff
3.21 |
And Life Begins Right Away
3.22 |
Yuletide Fortune Tellers

season 2
Marked as watched:
# | Episode title | Date | Actions |
2.01 |
The Door to Freedom
2.02 |
The Awakening Conscience
2.03 |
Duel Between Two Women
2.04 |
Dressing for the Charade
2.05 |
The Acquired Inability to Escape
2.06 |
2.07 |
Drive in the Knife
2.08 |
Tight Rope Walker
2.09 |
2.10 |
Introducing the Miracle
2.11 |
Mother and Child Divided
2.12 |
Distorted House
2.13 |
The Good Samaritan
2.14 |
He Did What He Wanted
2.15 |
Ecce Mono
2.16 |
The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living
2.17 |
Prudence, Avarice, Lust, Justice, Anger
2.18 |
As the Shadows Deepen
2.19 |
What Goes Up Must Come Down
2.20 |
The Merrymakers
2.21 |
Departure of Summer

season 1
Marked as watched:
# | Episode title | Date | Actions |
1.01 |
This Is Not a Pipe
1.02 |
American Gothic
1.03 |
Portrait of My Father
1.04 |
Dance Amongst Daggers
1.05 |
Dogs Playing Poker
1.06 |
The Persistence of Memory
1.07 |
The Stag Hunt
1.08 |
Pandora's Box
1.09 |
Paradise Lost
1.10 |
The Homecoming
1.11 |
Starry Night
1.12 |
The Tempest
1.13 |
Self-Portrait with a Bandaged Ear
1.14 |
Les Soeurs d'Estrées
1.15 |
Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
1.16 |
Las Dos Fridas
1.17 |
Protect Me from What I Want
1.18 |
The Art of Painting
1.19 |
Write a Lonely Soldier
1.20 |
Game On
1.21 |
The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters
1.22 |
Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time
1.23 |
This Is the Color of My Dreams
1.24 |
The Intruder
1.25 |
The Shock of Being Seen
1.26 |
Tree of Forgiveness
1.27 |
The Declaration of Independence
1.28 |
We Are the Kraken of Our Own Sinking Ships
1.29 |
The Trial
1.30 |
Street Noises Invade the House